Brenda Robért

Brenda Robért

Although I was born and raised in New Orleans, I’ve called several other places home—Houston, Texas; Mission Viejo, California; and for two decades, Lake Forest, Illinois, just north of Chicago. In 2013, my husband and I returned to Louisiana and settled in the serene surroundings of Bayou Lacombe on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain.

I am an avid reader, writer, shutterbug, and nature enthusiast. The landscape of the bayou and its marshes and the abundant wildlife dwelling there have provided inspiration for both my writing and photography. There is nothing quite like watching the newly hatched Wood Ducklings fling themselves from their nests or the Great Horned owlets calling for dinner! I’ve even played peek-a-boo with a curious fox kit.

Since 2016, when my granddaughter was born, I have split my time between Bayou Lacombe and New Orleans. Both my granddaughter and the quirky city of my birth have provided additional inspiration for my stories and poetry. I am a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and have participated in the 12×12 Challenge for picture book writers. 

Family Day Author