Christopher Louis Romaguera is a Cuban-American writer who lives in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was born in Hialeah, Florida and graduated from Florida International University in Miami, Florida. He has an MFA in Creative Writing at the University of New Orleans. Romaguera has been published in Passages North, Catapult, PANK Magazine, Massachusetts Review, Latino Book Review and other publications. He is a monthly columnist at The Ploughshares Blog and is the Poetry Editor at the Peauxdunque Review. He is a VONA alum. Romaguera was a 2023 Periplus Fellow. He participated in the Tupelo Press 30/30 Project in 2023.
Romaguera finished a full-length poetry collection about his trips to Cuba, where he searched for his family's lost home. He is currently drafting a novel. His translation of the Mexican novel, Charras, written by Hernán Lara Zavala, will be released in the Fall of '24 with UNO Press.
You can sign up for his newsletter and follow his work at www.christopherlouisromaguera.com