Denise Walter McConduit, children's book author, and weekly columnist lives in New Orleans, Louisiana the birthplace of jazz and a city that enjoys unique traditions like Mardi Gras, Jazz Festivals, and Debutante balls. Her first book, "D.J. and the Zulu Parade" is about the adventures of her son, "D.J" when he rode in a Mardi Gras Parade. That book led to two other stories about the intrepid boy: D.J. and the Jazz Fest and D.J. and the Debutante Ball.Her upcoming book is titled, "The Boy Who Wouldn't Read". In this book young readers will meet Robbie, a stubborn little boy who doesn't like to read. Denise is from a family of thirteen children and often advises aspiring young authors, "Do you have any interesting or funny characters in your family? If you do, you may want to write a story about them. I did!"