W. Kamau Bell

Headshot of W. Kamau Bell

W. Kamau Bell is a comedian, author, and filmmaker. His CNN docu-series United Shades of America won five Emmy awards, and he was awarded a Peabody for his docu-series We Need To Talk About Cosby. He is most proud of his Emmy award winning and Television Academy Honors award winning documentary 1000% Me: Growing Up Mixed. Kamau is a NYT best-selling author of the book Do The Work: An Antiracist Activity Book. In March of 2025, Kamau will have a chapter in bestselling author Michael Lewis’ new book Who is Government? It is based on Kamau’s Washington Post article and short documentary, The Rookie. Kamau is on the board of directors of Donors Choose, Live Free, and the advisory board of Back To The Start. Kamau is the ACLU's Artist Ambassador for Racial Justice. In 2023, he and his wife Melissa Hudson Bell co-founded Who Knows Best Productions, an Oakland-based media production company. Kamau is currently on a national stand-up comedy tour.

Book Signing