Rob Lalka
Rob Lalka is the Albert R. Lepage Professor in Business at Tulane University’s Freeman School of Business and the Executive Director of the Albert Lepage Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He has received the A.B. Freeman School’s Excellence in Intellectual Contributions Award three times, most recently for the critically acclaimed new book, The Venture Alchemists: How Big Tech Turned Profits Into Power, from Columbia University Press, which was one of the 22 best business books of 2024 according to the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing.
Yuri Herrera
Yuri Herrera (Actopan, México, 1970). Has written three novels, all of them translated into several languages: Kingdom Cons, Signs Preceding the End of the World, and Transmigration of Bodies; which have been published in English by And Other Stories. In 2016 he shared with translator Lisa Dillman the Best translated Book Award for the translation of Signs Preceding the End of the World. That same year he received the Anna Seghers Prize at the Academy of Arts of Berlin, for the body of his work.